
SCIL privacy policy

When you access and use this Website we may collect personal information about you (such as your name, or email address) if you give it to us voluntarily.

We may also automatically collect information about you through our use of web measurement tools such as cookies (and similar technology).

We may collect, store, and use your personal information to keep our records up to date, provide you with information, and comply with laws.

We may also use cookies (and similar technology) to collect information about your visits to this Website. We may use this information to see how you use this Website and determine information about you. This is to help us maintain and enhance the functionality of this Website for you and other users.

You can change settings on your web browser to control or restrict certain cookies (and similar technology).

We do not share, sell, or trade your personal information to others outside SCIL unless you agree to that.

SCIL protects the personal information it collects through this Website with reasonable safeguards in accordance with normal industry practice in New Zealand.

You have the right to ask SCIL to see the information it holds about you. If you believe the information is wrong you may ask SCIL to correct it.

To request information about yourself, you can contact SCIL through the Contact Us page on this Website (

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner ( can give you further information about the Privacy Act 2020 and how it protects personal information.

SCIL may revise this policy from time to time without notice and the revision will take effect as soon as it is posted on this Website.

Please review our privacy policy and terms and conditions for full disclaimer before entering the website.